I had so much fun taking family photos for this beautiful family! We were worried we were going to have to push it back because they sky was so gloomy all day long.  The sun finally decided to shine and it ended up being beautiful! Seriously, could they be any cuter?

I am a little bit behind on my blogging.  Sometimes I forget that I posted these to Facebook, but they never made it up on the blog.  These pictures were arranged as a surprise Mother’s Day photo shoot for Terri.  I come from a pretty big family myself and know just how difficult it can […]

It was so much fun taking pictures of this sweet little baby girl! Little girls are so much fun to photograph.  I am used to all boy stuff in this house, so I can’t get enough of all the adorable little head bands and pretty girl colors.   Thank you so much for letting me […]

It is finally warming up enough to get outside and play!! Here are a few snapshots of my boys enjoying the warm weather during our spring break!    

I am so ready for all of the snow and cold to go away and for warmer weather to arrive!  See below for the special I am offering for the month of March.  Your session does not have to take place in March, it just has to be booked in March to receive your $75 […]

This sweet little girl is already 3 months old! She has changed so much in the past few months.  Love those big blue eyes!

It was so beautiful as the snow was falling today, we had to get outside and play in it a little bit! As you can see, Carter was not a huge fan of the snow.  He face planted in it and decided he wanted nothing else to do with this cold stuff.  Jackson on the […]

Another perk of being a teacher…snow days!  Enjoying the down time.  I have been hoping for a snow day so that I would be able to play with some of my new photography equipment!  Here are a few pictures of my sweet boys today. 

One of the things that I LOVE about my job is that I have nice long breaks to spend with my family.  Christmas break is the best! The boys are having so much fun playing with all of their new Christmas toys. I have been using the down time to teach myself all kinds of […]






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wedding and portrait photography

kansas city, missouri